IROC Members: Registration is NOW OPEN for our Spring Virtual Learning Session! Find the registration link in your email or visit the IROC Community Platform.
IROC learning sessions are valuable opportunities for our entire learning health network community—patients, parents, caregivers, clinicians, researchers, and other site team members—to come together to build community, learn about the network’s latest work, share learnings, discuss important topics, and outline key actions to take through the next six-month period. The timeframe following a learning session is called the action period. Learning sessions are meant to inform and catalyze the work of the action period with the ultimate goal of partnering with patients who have kidney disease and their families to improve health, longevity, and quality of life.
Session objectives include:
Describe the impact of Pathway to Mastery Learning Labs over the last Action Period.
Discover and share interventions for implementing IROC initiatives through discussion and collaboration.
Get connected with colleagues to support future co-engagement and collaboration.